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Add Your Name to Our Supporter Wall

Show the community that integrity, honesty, character, and quality still matter to Mequon-Thiensville.

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Become a Volunteer to Support MTSD

Help spread our message and defeat the partisan extremists trying to infiltrate our school board under the guise of "concerned parents". We all need to step up to make sure that our School Board remains non-partisan and our schools continue to be strong. We need your help.

Volunteer today

Express Your Opinion

Many in the community have written to local news outlets, like the News Graphic, with opinion pieces to be published. Please continue to make your feelings known!

Talk to Your Friends and Neighbors to Support Truth

You know your neighbors. Talk to those you believe you can approach about the importance of school board elections and why they should get involved. We will always need dedicated volunteers that fit the key attributes of what we believe makes a good board member:

  • Treats others with respect
  • Comes to board meetings prepared and with knowledge of the agenda items
  • Judges board issues pragmatically on their own merits
  • Does not have a preconceived partisan agenda
  • Willing to bring positive ideas to the table to solve problems

Contact Your Local Political Party to Tell Them to Stay out of Local Government, Including School Boards

Ozaukee County Republican Party

P.O. Box 684
Cedarburg, WI 53012

Ozaukee County Democratic Party

PO Box 236
Cedarburg, WI 53012